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With qNOR crystal structure has been elucidated, we now have the structural data of all major groups of HCO superfamily: [A-, B-, C- type COX; NOR (cNOR and qNOR)]. Such discovery is a breakthrough in understanding evolutionary links of oxygen reducing proteins.
qNOR itself could help in medicine, as bacterial defense against NO treatment by immune cells can be understood better. Even more so in environmental science, as such study helps to understand complete reduction of nitrogen oxides, that can convert the strong greenhouse gases to nitrogen and oxygen.
The reference paper has elucidated the structure very clearly: 14 TMH, Zn as the non-heme metal (albeit catalytically inactive), conserved cyt-c fold in hydrphilic domain, and possible presence of unique water channel for proton transfer pathway.
From these findings, appropriate comparisons with other proteins of the same superfamily can be done, which illustrate the evolutionary relationship even more.

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